About Mt. Shasta

About Mt. Shasta
Volcanic Mt Shasta, raising majestically to over 14,000 feet, is located in northern California and is widely believed to be one of the most sacred and mystical sacred sites in the world. The Shasta Indians consider Shasta to be the home of Creator-God and legendary stories of deities and presences of ascended masters, especially St. Germain, and multidimensional beings inspire the seeker of Truth.

It is believed that Mt. Shasta is a vortex that assists in the balance of masculine/feminine energies in the process of ascension (raising frequencies.) The essence of Shasta is primarily of the Divine Masculine (Atlantean) and is located within the land complex of ancient Lemuria (Divine Feminine.) Therefore being in the energy of this magnificent area one is held within the balance, which is necessary to the ascension process.

Metatron Channel - Mt. Shasta:
by James Tyberonn in 2007
Note: this channeling is in response to Tyberonn's experiences on Mt. Shasta
“Greetings beloved! Now, Mt Shasta anchors a very complex multi-dimensional over- fold, and does so through its very conscious geometric grid, complex frequencies & unique electromagnetic field. These allow light portals from many higher dimensions to coexist within the Earth dimensions precisely in the massif of Mount Shasta. Among those are the ones from Sirius B, the Pleades, Arcturius as well as many others, and we repeat, many others. That is correct. Mount Shasta is quite prolific in the higher dimensional communities that are accessible to seekers, you see.

Now, Mount Shasta, as all with all infinity points upon the planet, has a geometric projection, that defines, to a degree its nature and purpose. The overlay of Mount Shasta is an octahedron, the double pyramid: "As Above, so Below". This is the geometric crystallization found in many of your diamonds. Understanding this, can assist you in the experience you seek at Shasta.

So you see, if you seek to communicate with the infinite nature of sacred sites. Then it is suggested that you make an effort to understand the multidimensional, geometric and geological aspects of them. You must understand and accept that each infinity point is aware of itself, fully conscious, in your terms. Your indigenous people always asked permission to enter such places, sang songs of prayer and made offerings....and Dear Ones, we tell you, it was appropriate. The Earth will respond. The Spirit of Place will open itself to you. Now truly, the Living Earth does not necessarily need the offering you bring in a material sense, but the very spirit of giving you thus demonstrate is one that opens you and creates the resonance of the gifts the higher Consciousness of Place, will return to you in kind. Do you understand ? Make it known why you are here, and what you seek, and you will indeed feel a tingling of energy rise up your spine, and a direct connection will occur.

The resulting experiences will open to you in ways that are beyond, perhaps, what you expect. Trust them. They are perhaps far more valid, far more revealing, far more valid than you even imagine. Bring forth your greater awareness to the forefront, quiet the questioning mind.

The channel has spoken of many incredible experiences and visions he experience within the energy of Mount Shasta in his article. We ask the channel, “Do you doubt your experiences ?” These were indeed, quite real. We tell you dreams and visions are indeed actual, they are real, and often the catalytic means for dimensional travel. Do not doubt them, rather learn to navigate within them.

You see most experiences in such dimensional doorways at Mount Shasta will occur in one of two ways. Either one passes thru the doorway that reveals itself into other dimensions, to see and feel what is on the other side of the gateway...or one simply waits at the threshold for manifestations of 'the other side' to appear. The former seems to be a vision, held in the mental eye, the latter an incredible manifestation of a Teacher or Master into what you would term the physical world, albeit for a brief period. In both cases, the initial tendency among humans is to dismiss the valid reality of what occurs.

Dear Ones, you must allow the expanded paradigm to exist as more than simply a possibility. You must allow it as a valid expression of multi dimensional reality. As REAL ! There are far more parts to you, Dear Human, than you truly realize, and upon the Earth Plane, you are far, far more than the sum total of your parts! Allow yourself to expand is only a piece of what Shasta gifts to you, Dear Seeker, the other part is up to you, and that is to accept and believe what has occurred. When Mount Shasta offers you an experience that is far removed from your daily accepted reality, you are simply being shown a piece of the greater reality. It is understandable that you might initially doubt it, but you were shown the greater truth because you expanded, through greater effort than you may realize, to the point where you could perceive it. What does that tell you ? It tells you that within your expanded perception lies the field of all probability, of all possibility, some you inhabit, some you do not. Some of the realities have never known biological life as you know it, some contain more advanced life beings, etheric in nature, but not physical, yet human in heart. There are no regimented rules that will limit the potential of such travel, other than the blockages you would create for yourself in non acceptance. In truth many of these realities are closer to your true home than is your physical experience upon the Earth. That is why the removal of fear is an essential graduation to the higher dimensional reality validity of what one experiences in this very real system of growth potential.

Now, we will add, that often is the case where when humans first step into this wider reality, that they temporarily or permanently, can lose their 'grounding' on the Earth Plane. To remain grounded, the human must learn to manage the integrity of the Human EMF ( electromagnetic field). One must learn how to open and to close the awareness centers, the chakras. Was this not the lesson of the LeMurians ? Having an out of body experience may not be appropriate when one is being chased by a tiger, or setting in an office doing accounting work ! Learn to manage the system, as you are on the Earth for certain valid purposes of the Earth, and through discernment utilize your ability for chakric, merkabic travel, when it is appropriate to do so. Do you understand? Do not become so ungrounded that you are not capable of operating within physical dimensions. there are times when it is appropriate to have both feet solidly on the ground, even in this Ascending New Age of the Earth.

Now, the channels interpretation of Shasta as condensed, zipped space, is quite accurate. You see a cubic measure of space in the upper meadows of Mount Shasta holds upward of 36 dimensional frequencies, at certain times as many as 44. It is the blend of energies, varied by celestial alignments and terrestrial magnetic that trigger the variation. Shasta is far more active in some periods than others for this reason. Dimensional gates open and narrow accordingly. When one learns through intent and determination to increase vibrational frequency into the merkabic realm of crystal resonance, then the doorway is open, or accessible, in your terms. Do you see? Not everyone who visits Panther Meadows will access these portals and doorways, but all those who are capable of increasing their vibratory rate to that of the crystalline frequency, will indeed. It has always been such in infinity points, stargates, if you will.

Now, the channel asks of the origin and significance of the energy body of Mount Shasta. We confirm that he, Mount Shasta, is Lemurian, but also Atlantean. And although the volcano itself is somewhat dormant at this time, in terms of what you consider volcanic activity, in dimensional terms it is very expansive, very active. Currently, Shasta is in commissioned transition, in the task of balancing energy harmonics that exists between Atlantis and Lemuria. And for that reason it is a Lemurian area and yet an Atlantean, masculine volcano, twinned with parity to the feminine.

Do you understand? It is significant for both Atlantis & LeMuria. You see Mount Shasta transfers energetic excesses from one to the other, seeking equilibrium within integral dimension. That is what creates such dynamic charge in this area. It is why one becomes dimensionally enabled & energized upon that mountain, you see?

Now while the lands of LeMuria and Atlantis co existed for over 800,000 years, in your terms of time measurement, their civilizations co existed only some 50,000 years. One projected heart the other mind. One was excessively male one excessively female, in a manner of speaking. Can you see why these must be brought into BALANCED alignment for the Ascension? Do you understand that in a very valid sense, all time on your planet co exists in multi dimension? So we tell you that Mount Shasta is in a special role to blend these, to attune these in multi dimensionality, and accordingly Shasta is very specifically in harmonic oscillation with your islands of Hawaii, and Mount Fuji in the Pacific areas, and with the Santorini in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic, the former hold aspects of LeMuria, the latter of Atlantis. Do you understand why it is volcanoes, specific ones, that are capable of such commissioned undertaking on your planet? We tell you it is because of the dimensional expansion capabilities of their electromagnetic fields.

Now it is not every volcano that is so endowed, we will say that this varies according to their placement, geo-magnetic and consciousness embellishment. There must of course, first be the correct frequencial potential of sufficient raw energy there, and it must be of a specific blend. Now, as the channel has an affinity for gems, we use this analogy: one can find a rough diamond that appears to be a mere carbon deposit, but if it is burnished, and proves to contain clarity and symmetry, it can be polished and faceted into a gem of luminous beauty that refracts light and energy in wondrous ways. As such do volcanoes and other sourced power points evolve into the awareness of dimensionally expanded sacred sites. But the energy potential was there first.

Now indeed when what you might refer to as a great historic event occurs in a field or valley or mountain, and multitudes of people are thereafter drawn there to visit the location of the great event, the energy they amass can also polish the location to a higher frequency, and a sacred site of sorts will evolve by amplification.

But it is not just the raw telluric energy, not just the geometry, it must also be embellished with the sacred. And that is so misunderstood. Your mainstream physicists, mathematicians and scientist currently have many concepts, many systems of thought, of belief, of paradigm that are being applied to physics as simply a complex mathematical challenge, but they omit the sacred. The two must be coupled for human kind to truly understand the nature of the living Earth and consciousness of the Cosmos.

Now, many have experience the inner dimensional, etheric city located within Mount Shasta that is referred to as Telos. Dear Ones, we tell you it is indeed real. It is inhabited by an advanced cycle of those you term LeMurians, the blue skinned, ones who have obtained full consciousness. Some of your explorers and writers have experienced this inner world and referred to it as Agartha. These beings originally escaped into the inner hollow chasms of your planet some 25,000 years ago, in your measurement. Indeed, these beings of LeMurian descent are far more highly evolved in spirit than you are at this time. There bodies are, as I have said, less dense, but are indeed physical. Their skin has taken on the hue of green and in some cases a green blue, because the water they drink is highly mineral in content, containing oxidized copper and other metals in a higher concentration. These beings are peaceful, knowing no religion other than the love of source, and an understanding of what is termed great tranquility. They are quite aware of you, but have no desire to intermingle with the masses of humanity. Why you may ask? Because of several reasons, the most prevalent is that they are aware of your violent nature, your fear and your lack of mass spiritual development. They are aware of your physical diseases that would infect them, and are quite unable to sustain your solar rays. Let us say they have evolved into beings that have set a unique course, and are close to completing their sojourn. There bodies are sustained by a crystalline magnetic force, and of a light source that is emitted from your planetary core. Their mental capacities have allowed them to harness these force fields and adapts them to their physical and spiritual sustenance. Their mental capacities have adapted to emit an internal light into the external, and as such the chasms they create are as bountiful in beauty and light, etheric light, as the most beautiful of your mountain valleys on the exterior.

In dimensional terms the Agarthan city of Telos has its existence in both the physical and ethereal realm. In physical it exists just above the level of the third, and measures some 20 miles in length, 3 to five miles in width, with a ceiling of approximately 2 miles. Thus it has been experienced by many of your adepts in human biology, through the mechanism we will refer to as ‘lucid dreaming’. We will add that such experience is by invitation only.

There has indeed been contact between the inhabitants of the inner world and your governments, but not an intermingling. There have been messages of the need for the human race on the surface to be aware of the coming changes. Those of the inner world are primarily on a set course, a different cycle, and one that is close to completion.

Now above the dimension of four exist the light city above Mount Shasta. Within this realm are many of those you refer to as the Ascended Masters and certain of the benevolent extra terrestrial beings, such as the Pleadeans and those of Sirius B. Now would it surprise you to know that many of you have co existing lives within all of these realms? Would it surprise and overwhelm you to know that many of you are extensions of omnipotent consciousnesses that you call the Ascended Masters. Your biology in its dual nature separates you from this knowledge until you learn to operate the ‘back brain’ or subconscious nature of your being. Has this not been the way taught by your Buddhist and other adepts for millennia, to quiet the conscious mind and thus find your true nature? Those of you that have chosen to evolve with the planet in human biology have done so on an exercise of choice, to fully grow and master the experience of Planet Earth. You are much closer to do so than you truly realize. And when you pass into higher dimension, you understand that a physical existence upon the Earth is just a heartbeat of time from the higher realm.

Beloved Saint Germain has chosen Mount Shasta as one of his homes of interface with your planet. His presence is easily accessed upon the peaks and in the Valley of Upper Panther Meadows and surrounding slopes. He is indeed an Ascended Master, and one who can be termed as ‘modern’ in many of his expressions. Modern in that he has had a variety of lifetimes manifested on your planet within the past centuries. Some known as such, and others not. The Ascended Masters are a group dedicated to assisting humankind achieve Mastery on the Earth, and have anchored light cities in specific points on the Earth Plane for the dissemination of their energies. Mount Shasta is one such point. As we have said in the beginning of this communication, it is the magnetic nature of Mount Shasta that provided the raw template to enable the dimensional fold for higher dimensional influx into your terrestrial template.

The channel has asked if it is necessary to physically be in such infinity points on your planet to access these Masters. We tell you that it is not. The most potent infinity point you carry within your heart Dear Ones. But let us say, that access can be more easily obtained within these points.

So you see, what is made available to you on Mount Shasta, is a glimpse into the infinity of who you really are. Shasta opens the dimensions as a peacock opens its fan of blue green feathers, and for an eternal moment shows you the depth of your true beingness…at the time you are ready to see it. And Dear Ones, it takes desire, desire and work to truly see who you are. You chose to Master the experience of Planet Earth, and you are well on your way to doing so. Open you heart to what it can reveal to you.

We tell you that Mount Shasta is by far the most powerful sacred site, the most omnipotent vortex-portal complex in North America. Few locations on your planet have equal capacity of multi dimensional expansion alloyed in divine synergy. You are Beloved”………..and so it is.

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